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Dark Grey Planet 02 (第2/7页)
of the stoable, He opened his mouth slowly and said: Dear Elders, I am the elder patriarch, Called Bckhead, age 180, Sitting at the stoable is, Sergeant Bck Heart, Informationist Bck Ear, hacker bck eye, tech hacker, Boxer Bckfoot, (At this time, the four-dimensional three-dimensional holographic image above the stoable presents the sor system,) The bck-headed left finger touched the four-dimensional holographic image above the stoable, Looking at the elder representative, he said: Over the past 12 billion years, The Milky Way has merged with 12 rge gaxies and 3 smaller gaxies, At 10 billion years before the earth&039; s Gregorian Era, The predecessor of the Milky Way merged with its then panion gaxy "Gaia-Encedus". At 4 billion years of the earth&039; s Gregorian era, The Andromeda Gaxy, 220,000 light-years in diameter, and the Milky Way, 180,000 light-years in diameter, will collide, The Milky Way is moving at 250,000 miles per hour, slowly approag the Andromeda gaxy, they will merge into a rger gaxy, The Milky Way and Andromeda will cease to exist, A new Gaxy Andromeda will be born, it will be a whole new gaxy, The new Milky Way Andromeda will be a huge elliptical gaxy, without any spiral or vortex shape, Dear elders, what should we do? Bckfoot touched his head