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二、久违的宁静(rou渣) (第3/4页)
脖子上的双手,顺着他的脊椎感受他的肌rou轮廓。斜方肌、竖脊肌、腰方肌……? Alex的喘息陡然粗重起来。他意乱情迷地吻着她柔软的耳垂和细嫩修长的脖颈,身体往上挪了挪,有一个已经隆起发硬的地方贴住她的耻骨,随着他的动作不轻不重地撞击着她。 她身体发烫,忍不住像猫一样呻吟起来。 倏地,Alex撑住上半身,隔了一段距离看她。她睁开眼睛,依然是笑盈盈的。他的目光下移,她内穿靛蓝色毛衣,外穿黑色皮衣,紧身牛仔裤,身材凹凸有致。眉毛弯弯,眼睛闪闪,显出几分纯真;鼻头小巧,嘴唇丰满,透着几分rou欲。长发随意地披散着,身体自在地舒展着,又香又软。 Alex的眼里仿佛有两团火在燃烧,身体也烫得不像话。“Fuck, Tanxiao you are so hot.” 他腾出一只手隔空放在她的胸部上方,问她“Is it Ok?” 她觉得有点不忍,但是还是忍住笑对他说“It’s OK, but I’m not on any birth trol. So maybe we should stick to the sed base.” “Ah. You might as well kill me now.” 他深吸了一口气,隔着衣服吻了一下她的胸部,又吻了一下她的下巴。翻身挨着她躺下。 她也忍得有些难耐,问,“So you don’t have a either.” “No, but I will go get a ton of them ter today.” 她哈哈大笑起来。一时间她的恶趣味冒出来,她说“Don’t be sad. I’ll tell you a joke that’s perfect for this moment.” Alex无奈地苦笑了一下,握住她的手。 “So there was this girl who had been dating a boy for a while. They were making out and things got heated so they decided to have sex. The girl fished around in her bag and found some Fire and Ice s that her friend Jane gave her because Jane was afraid of her mother finding them. The boyfriend happily put one on and they had sex. 10 minutes ter, the girl cried ‘my vagina is on fire!’ and the boy went ‘my dick feels so cold’. That was the first time they had sex and the st time they used Fire and Ice s. Hahaha! What a story!” Alex也笑了,狠狠地啄了一下她的鼻子。 “I will meet with my GP