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Impa Iional Relations, ed. Yu Xintian, ese Philosophical Studies (Washington, D.C.: cil for Resear Values and Philosophy, 2002), 81. 15. 由于德国实现了统一,第一次世界大战前欧洲的均势只剩了5个参与方。见第二章。 第七章 代表全人类行事:美国及其秩序观 1. Spee ciliation with America (1775), in Edmund Burke,On Empire, Liberty, and Reform: Speeches aers, ed. David Bromwiew Haven, .: Yale Uy Press, 2000), 81ndash;83. 伯克同情美国独立战争,因为他认为这是英国式自由的自然演进。他反对法国大革命,他认为这场革命破坏了几代人努力的成果,也破坏了自然发展的前景。 2. Alexis de Tocqueville, ing Their Point of Departure, inDemocra America, trans. Gee Lawrenew York: Harper Row, 1969), 46ndash;47. 3. Paul Leicester Ford, ed.,The Writings of Thomas Jefferson(New Y. P. Putnams Sons, 1892ndash;99), 8:158ndash;59, quoted in Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendripire of Liberty: The Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson (New York: Oxford Uy Press, 1990), 11. 4. Jefferson to Monroe, October 24, 1823, as excerpted in tial Policy of the Uates: The Acquisition of Cuba,Uates Magazine and Democratic Revieril 1859, 23. 5. Jefferson to Madison, April 27, 1809, in ibid. 6. 对来自英格兰和北欧的移居者来说,在很大程度上是这种情况;而来自西班牙的人则把它主要看作有待开发的领土,居住在那里的土著人将转而皈依基督教。 7. John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity (1630). See Brendan Simms, Europe, 36. 8. Publius [Alexander Hamilton], The Federalist 1, in Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers (New York: Mentor, 1961), 1ndash;2. 这里的帝国是指拥有完全主权的独立实体。