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16. stitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran (October 24, 1979), as amended, Se I, Article 11. 17. Khomeini, New Years Message (March 21, 1980),in Islam and Revolution, 286. 18. 这在伊朗《宪法》中做了规定:在(时代的监护人,隐身的伊玛目)(愿真主加速他的重现)救世主掩蔽期间,伊斯兰乌玛的领导权由公正虔诚的人承担,他洞察世事、勇敢无畏、足智多谋、治理有方。他将根据107条担任该职务。参见《伊朗伊斯兰共和国宪法》(1979年10月24日修订)第一部分第5条。伊朗革命的高潮期间,霍梅尼任由人们传说他是脱掩蔽而出的救世主,或至少是救世主的使者。See Milton Viorst, In the Shadow of the Prophet: The Struggle for the Soul of Islam (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press,2001), 192. 19. Address by H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Before the Sixtysed Session of the United Nations General Assembly (New York: Perma Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations, September 25, 2007), 10. 20. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Gee W.Bush, May 7, 2006, cil on Fions online library; Iran Declares War,New York Sun, May 11, 2006. 21. As quoted in Arash Karami, Ayatollah Khamenei: Nuclear iations Wont Resolve USIran Differences, AlMonitor. Iran Pulse, February 17, 2014, khameneinucleariationswontresolveusirandifferences/. 22. As quoted in Akbar Ganji, Frenemies Forever: The Real Meaning of Irans lsquo;Heroic Flexibility, Fn Affairs, September 24, 2013, 23. 核爆炸可利用两类材料引发;浓缩铀和浓缩钚。通常认为,通过控制浓缩钚反应比通过控制浓缩铀反应来引发核爆炸在技术上难度更大。所以,要防止获得核爆炸能力,主要是堵死铀浓缩这条通道。(钚反应堆也使用铀做燃料,因此需要得到一定数量的铀,也需要熟知铀加工的技术。)伊朗在实现铀浓缩和获得钚的生产技术这两个方面都有了进展,这两个问题也都属于伊核谈判的范围。 24. Thi