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6. 见第三章。 7. See Edgar Sanderson, J. P. Lamberton, and John McGovern, Six Thousand Years of History, vol. 7, Famous Fn Statesmen (Philadelphia: E. R. DuMont, 1900),246ndash;50; Reston, Defenders of the Faith, 384ndash;89. 对日后桀骜不驯、对普世诉求存有戒心的欧洲而言,查理大帝的统治更像盛气凌人的威胁,而不是他几乎实现了人民期待的统一。正如18世纪启蒙运动的重要人物、苏格兰哲学家大卫middot;休谟所说,查理大帝将众多王国和公国置于统一管理之下,使人类再次感到了单一君主统治世界的威胁。David Hume, On the Balance of Power, in Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary (1742), 2.7.13. 8. See Jerry Brotton,A History of the World in Twelve Maps (London: Penguin Books, 2013), 82ndash;113 (discussion of the Hereford Mappa Mundi, ca. 1300); 4 Ezra 6:42; Dante Alighieri,The Divine edy, trans. Allen Mandelbaum (London: Bantam, 1982), 342; and Osip Maam, versation About Dante, inThe Poets Dante, ed. Peter S. Hawkins and Rachel Jacoff (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001), 67. 9. 黎塞留自己有一位灰衣主教,即他的心腹谋士弗朗索瓦middot;勒克莱尔middot;德middot;特朗布莱。他因身披嘉布遣会约瑟夫神甫的袍子而被人称为黎塞留的灰衣主教。此后,在外交史上,这一称号被用来指幕后的权势人物。Aldous Huxley, Grey Eminence: A Study in Religion and Politiew York: Harper and Brothers, 1941). 10. See, for example, Niccolograve; Machiavelli,The Art of War (1521),Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livy (1531),The Prince (1532). 11. Joseph Strayer, Hans Gatzke, and E. Harris Harbison, The Mainstream of Civilization Since 1500(New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 19