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第九章表姐来支招了! (第2/3页)
他也不想做个萎缩怕事的人,便露出一个无奈的苦笑,坦白道: “Although I really want to. To be ho , It’s killing me! You know ,the whole NO SEX thing.” “So you are hot?” “What do you expect? I’ve never had sex in my entire life. Look at me, Sis.! I’m always hot! OK? However, my girlfriend, she’s too shy. I don’t want to scare her off.” dy深感自己和这个表弟在文化上的差异鸿沟深深,两人根本鸡同鸭讲: “Hey ,Matty, Sweety, look, you gotta have sex with yirlfriend, you gotta have WILD sex with yirlfriend——that’s what boyfriends do.That’s what would keep yirlfriend closer. I ensure you that you are not the only one who’s hot. Women have needs.” “Really?” dy翻了一个“那还用说”的白眼,把脚放下来,正襟危坐,好像要准备谈什么事关国计民生的国家大事: “I’m a girl,right? I’ve had boyfriends. I got a say in this staff. You gotta believe me,Matty, mark my words——Women have needs. Just go and meet the needs. Make your woman happy.” 华诤觉得表姐背后放着万道金光——简直就是上天派来拯救他的天使! “But I don’t know how t it up. I love my girlfriend too much. I don’t want...” “ow” dy 双掌向外,像在推着什么东西: “Wait a minute, Matty, Mathew, Matt Wa. Wait a minute! You saidaaa you LOVE her? Are you sure? Love is a big word. We don’t use it unless we really feel it.” “Yeah. I ’t be more sure. I love her. Ever sihe first time I saw her, I’ve been falling love with her. Actually, as days go by, I love her even more. Look, She is the sweetest girl I’ve ever seen. If anythi