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quinque 贪婪2 (第1/2页)
外面千种不知名的黑夜中,有人垂死,有人伤残,有人被横飞的玻璃割喉,有人撞死在方向盘上,有人碾死在重型轮胎下。他们感到无聊了,因为孤独了,或悔恨,或恐惧,感到绝望,残忍,狂热,最终难受得浑身发抖。 美利坚×医院的设计师肯定想不到当初应该在墙壁上加多一些吸音海绵,不然为什么他翻来覆去的时候总会被隔墙的哭声吵醒。 李弧只觉得太阳xue那边的血管在笸笸笸地四处奔走,手机上的数字跳到凌晨1:30。 他索性坐起身来,蓝色的医师服已经揉得皱巴巴了,他随性地拉扯了一下,打开右上角冒出红点的邮箱。 邮箱里面躺着师兄发过来的邮件。 Hey, Fox, how is everything there? In my opinion, I could prefer you get one position in that hospital after yraduation. You know, being a perfect doctor in our hometown is really a hard and tough thing. I have to work so laborious to get corresponding salary for my normal housing and other living. If you have no specific reason to go back, just follow?the?footsteps?of our professor. It will be much better choice for you to ruminate over and over. Peace and love. 师兄已回国半年多了,回国初即在家乡找到一份三甲医院的工作,普外科的住院医师,按照他的逻辑,全天早出晚归的,活得像条狗。 所以当师兄从导师那里得知他也准备回国的时候,纵然师兄深知他并非是一时兴起的性子,也绝非是个会被其他人左右想法的人,仍旧写了一份滑稽而又可爱的邮件发给他,企图打消他回国的念头。 李弧笑了笑,手指点在末尾。 然后手机响了,一通电话打了进来。 电话里那个搭班的年轻护士急躁的嗓音窜进了耳膜,接通的那一刻,她突然强装镇静的口吻很滑稽,她说:Hi, doctor Li, there had been a terrible car act in Oakland Solomon street this afternoon. We need your help for assisting the attending physi to perform emergency surgery now. Yep. 李弧将手机丢在口袋里面,扑了一把冷水在脸上,车祸,骨折,开膛,破肚,久违的战斗似乎就要拉开序幕了。 他穿过污染区,半清洁区,清洁区,进入手术准备区,跟迎面走过来的一助微微点了个头。一助是个人高马大的金发单眼皮壮汉,跟他搭了好几次急诊班,也算是熟稔了。 How is the patient's detail? Not so well. Occipital fracture, humerus fracture, right renal tusion, spleen rupture. The only good news is that there is no pelvic